Herm Bieber's Pictures
These were all taken with my minizoom camera with magnification up to 48X, and mostly no flash. I was generally at least 25 feet from the subject in order to get truly candid shots.
The Convention
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Herm Bieber
The Beautiful Pacific Coast
Enjoying Root Beer Floats
Assembling in Fred Farr Forum
Prof Knowitall Prepares to Lecture
Relaxation, Post Dinner Party
The Musical
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Herm Bieber
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Herm Bieber
Edith Hollister and Susan Hall
Peter Hanff enjoying Root Beer
Robin Hess and Judy Bieber
Carolyn Goodman and Katie Fleming
Rick Wiegand and Anthony Tringali
Bill Thompson and Michael Riley
Laura Gjovaag's Pictures
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Laura Gjovaag
The Swap Table, new this year.
What *is* that little digging creature?
The Winkie Newsletter Posted...
Peter Hanff's Pictures
Friday Night
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Peter Hanff
Richard Carpenter, Bob Baum, Joel Harris
Angelica and Richard Carpenter, Bob Baum, Joel Harris
Lynn Beltz, Madeline and Robyn Knutson
Kyle Kushin and his family
Rick Wiegand, John Ebinger, Bill Edmonds, John Bell, Scott Cummings, Michael Riley, Kevin Thomas
Cindy Ragni and Bill Thompson chat in foreground with Glenn Ingersoll and Lary Abramson to Bill's left
Karyl Carlson in yellow sits behind Jared Davis and Sam Milazzo with Don Reynolds to his left
Kirk Kushin conducts Session Four on Friday night
Anthony Tringali and Aaron Almanza
Kyle Kushin and his mother
Betsy and Lynn Beltz chat with David Maxine in Afterglow
Betsy and Lynn Beltz, David Maxine, and Lee Speth
Saturday Morning
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Peter Hanff
Strolling toward breakfast the morning after the night before
Ron Maas and Mike Penick from Washington, D.C.
Michael Riley thinking about his coffee
Anthony Tringali thinks about his coffee, as Bill Thompson plunges into his breakfast
Judy Bieber, Lary Abramson, and Herm Bieber
Judy Bieber's Oz-themed tie-dyed shirt
The Masquerade
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Peter Hanff
Saturday morning's Oz Masquerade
Robert Hollister, Larry Hollister, Charlie Hollister, Mykel Rankin, Sam Milazzo
Judy Bieber chats with Michael Riley, Scott Cummings and Randy Hercey contemplate the costumes, as John Bell rests in the background
Scott Cummings, Randy Hercey, and Jay Blair
Winkie Newsletter supplement covers Friday's program
Roberta Ling now from Austin, Texas
Gary Smith from Williamstown, Massachusetts
Gita Morena in black jacket
The newest Koontz held by his father, Steven
Tim Tucker in tan and gray, with Rick Wiegand
Gita Morena and Parker Linekin
Xander and his magic umbrella
Gary Smith and Diane Steele
Sam Milazzo prepares to capture motion, as Aaron Almanza hovers in background
The piratical Kevin Thomas
Dana and Madeline Knutson
More Saturday Events
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Peter Hanff
The giant Wonderful Game of Oz
Anna Wyatt prepares her display
Caroline Spector chats with Shirley Echols
Finishing the Saturday morning quizzes in Afterglow living room
Dan Harper, Greg Beda, Richard Green, Gary Smith (all at center)
Stan Sieler at left of table; Jared Davis at right
Bill Edmonds listens to quiz answers
Sam Milazzo awaits the show and tell
Ah-h-h yes! The morning after the night before (Lary Abramson, Steve Schlegel, and Debbie Pietrobono)
Eric Shanower with silver scales
Assembling for the Show and Tell Program
Liz Spencer, Gita Morena, Parker Linekin
Eric readies for Quiz End and Show and Tell Beginning
Frances Blair and Bob Baum at center
Show and Tell
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Peter Hanff
Mike Penick shows some of his puppets
Bill Thompson shows an antique scrapbook he discovered
A Denslow rarity was tucked into the scrapbook
A Christmas Tree Ornament, a gift of Jerry Maren (who was indeed a member of the 1939 Lollypop Guild!)
Printing block and poster for the hand puppets displayed by Mike Penick
An Oz-themed bracelet from the World's Fair of 1933-34
Poster and the printing plate from which it was made
Robin Hess shows off a treasure
The box, revealing Dorothy in sepia tones, opens to show the colorful land of Oz and artifacts therein
David Maxine shows off a very rare Scarecrow character doll
Eric Shanower recently acquired an original drawing by John R. Neill
Aaron Almanza hands a Wheeler to Jared Davis
Jared Davis begins to show his hand-crafted Oz characters (all to the same scale)
Mike Penick, Greg Beda, Anthony Tringali examine Sam Milazzo's Show-and-Tell item
Stan Sieler shows his copy of Cyclone on the Prairies, the new book from the Book Club of California
Joe Cascone with camera snaps a picture of Peter Hanff and his camera!
Lunch and Auction
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Peter Hanff
David Haines and Greg Beda
Lunch in the Crocker Dining Hall on Saturday
Herm Bieber, Michael Riley, Liz Spencer
David Haines and Joe Cascone offer their CDs
Susan Johnson and Carrie Hedges setting up to monitor Winkie Auction
Nautical decor in Kiln, courtesy Margaret Koontz
Flamingos including the Wicked Witch of the West and the Winged Monkeys!
Saturday Evening Dinner
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Peter Hanff
The Winkie Convention Cake
Saturday Dinner in Seascape Dining Room
Bob Baum and his cousin Gita Morena applaud the day's prize winners
Edith Hollister at the Hollister Table
Margaret Koontz and Her Newest Grandchild
Kirk Kushin, front and center
Kim Ryan and Frances Blair
Steve Schlegel and Debbie Pietrobono (from Sylmar, California)
Randy Hercey, Scott Cummings, Tim Tucker
Joel Harris in black shirt
Anthony See and Tommy Kirk at center
David Maxine makes announcements
Saturday Evening
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Peter Hanff
Assembling for the Saturday evening program
Bill Edmonds and Rick Wiegand
Dick and Joanne Rutter at center
Richard Paul Smyers from Indiana
Gary Smith from Williamstown
Ruth Bieber-Stanley and Veronica Maund
Rebecca Klein and Liz Spencer
Karyl Carlson, Eric Gjovaag, and Travis Black await the Saturday program
Previews of coming attractions
The Show
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Peter Hanff
David Haines and Joe Cascone settle in for a delightful evening of performance
Hollisters in Foreground: Edith Has Won the Winkie Award!!
Edith and Charlie Hollister
Anthony See and Tommy Kovac
David Haines and Joe Cascone Prepare to Take a Bow
Herm Bieber and Robin Olderman
Sunday Morning
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Peter Hanff
Larry Hollister's Pictures
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Larry Hollister
Rex and Roberta Ling's Pictures
- 2011 Winkies Pictures By Rex and Roberta Ling