1969 Winkie Convention

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In 1969, Reva Milne, another resident of Santa Barbara and a major collector not only of Oz but also of fine illustrated books (often limited editions bound in vellum) produced by Edmund Dulac, Arthur Rackham, Kay Nielsen, hosted the Winkie Convention at her home. She was assisted in chairing the event by Barbara Hughes. The entertaining program included a number of Oz themed games, the breaking of an Oz piñata, and the display of remarkably detailed Oz-character dolls made by Ruth Keep of nearby Ojai. Lois Newman of Los Angeles displayed a large model she had constructed of the Emerald City (much influenced by Neill's depictions of same). Rodger Farr served as auctioneer, and those attending made spirited bids to acquire Ozian rarities. Fred Otto of San Francisco won the Winkie Quiz.

From Winkie Newsletter #9, written by Peter Hanff